In the last months, several new PhD candidates have started in the Groningen. We are very happy that Ruby, Joshua and Mariana are now part of the team!
Vidi Grant awarded
Tessa has received a Vidi Grant from the Dutch Research Council to study the impact of viruses on archaeal cells. Thank you for this support of the group!
HFSP YI grant awarded
Together with scientists from Australia, Japan and the USA we will study the interaction between viruses, archaea and symbionts with the help of a Human Frontier Science Program Young Investigator Grant.
Beijerinck Premie for Tessa
On March 3, Tessa received the Beijerinck Premie 2022 for her research on archaeal viruses. The Beijerinck Premie is awarded each year by the The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences to an early career researcher who performs excellent research in the field of Virology.
ERC grant to study archaeal viruses
We are thrilled with the opportunity provided by the ERC starting grant that was awarded for our research on archaeal viruses. We will try to answer the question how archaeal viruses compete with each other for access to cellular resources. Thank you ERC! New job openings will follow this summer.
Tessa received the KNAW Early Career Award
Tessa has been awarded the Early Career Award by the KNAW (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences). The KNAW presents twelve of these awards to researchers at Dutch universities annually. The award is intended for young researchers with innovative, original research ideas.
Lab moved to Groningen
The lab recently moved to the University of Groningen (RUG) in the Netherlands, where we found an exiting new environment for our research on archaeal viruses at the Groningen Biomolecular Sciences & Biotechnology Institute. You can find us at the Linnaeusborg at the Zernike Campus.
Zaloa started her PhD project
Zaloa Aguirre Sourrouille joined the lab as a new Phd student. She works on a PhD project funded by the Hector Fellow Academy. We are really happy to welcome Zaloa in our group!
Tessa received the Hector RCD award
The Hector RCD award was awarded to Tessa and will fund the position of a PhD student to work on archaeal mechanisms to escape viral infection. She will officially receive the award during the ceremony of the Hector Academy in July.